Fostering for Golden Retriever
Rescue of Fairbanks

Give voice to your heart through volunteering! 
For GRRF, fostering is the key volunteer effort responsible for making a difference in each rescued dog's life - one dog at a time!

The following will give you some idea of the expectations, responsibilities, and situations you may encounter as a foster home in the GRRF program. If you have questions, concerns, or thoughts about any of this, please reach out! We are happy to talk and see if fostering is right for you!

Basic information:

  • We are a registered nonprofit, all-volunteer organization.

  • We supply food and any necessary vet care and medications.

  • We have crates and ex-pens available.

  • Your expenses are limited to time, gas/transport, treats and your own generosity.

  • Not all of our dogs are Goldens and Golden crosses. We focus on Goldens because that is where our passion and our skills lie.  As resources dictate, we try to help dogs with that "golden" spirit such as retrievers, retriever-crosses, and other breeds.

Picking up your foster dog:

  • Our foster coordinator will work with you to discuss the types of dogs and situations you are comfortable with! Once we get a request to take in a dog that fits your application, the foster coordinator will work with you to arrange a good pick-up time for both GRRF and you! 

  • Frequent communication with our foster coordinator is common, especially for first-time foster families! Our foster coordinator is here to help you and your foster have a positive experience and support you however you need!

  • Pawsitive Dog Training is a typical pick-up point.

  • You may be asked to pick up your foster in other locations as circumstances require.  We provide rescue throughout the state. We have active volunteers in the Anchorage and Southeast Alaska areas. Please do not hesitate to volunteer if you live outside the Fairbanks-North Pole area.

Caring for your foster:

  • Our dogs are companion animals and are part of the family household.  They are not to be “backyard dogs.”

  • We never advocate for, nor do we tolerate, hitting or other forms of physical discipline. It creates more problems than it solves. Ask us about appropriate positive training methods.

  • You will be asked to observe and assess the dog's behavior and suitability for varying living environments.

  • It is super helpful and appreciated if you are able to take your foster to specific GRRF activities to help in assessing their dog-dog skills and interactions with new people! 

  • You will get to give and receive lots of love while you are providing a safe, temporary refuge for each rescue awaiting that forever home!


  • If you get a foster you think will not fit your situation, just let us know and another home will be found! 

  • Help is always just a phone call away.

We are always in need of good foster homes and sincerely appreciate you kindly providing a home for these great dogs <3